Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Fun

Courtney's sister, Danielle, had her son baptized by Brian. We went and watched this special baptism take place up in Heber.

Jeff Lazerus, Nicholas and Danielle.

A beautiful winter sunset from our front porch!

On the Friday before Valentine's Day, Jon and I went to celebrate by going to use our gift card to the Roof Restaurant. What a gorgeous night! We watched the sunset and then loved seeing the lights turn on gradually on the Salt Lake Temple. Breathtaking!

Christopher's last day of the basketball season... I was able to catch the last game and see him get his trophy. He's a great defensive player and ran up and down the court without seeming out of breath. Good Job Chris!

While Julie's kids were off track, we've had fun with Janie. Chris & Kylie had a great time with Janie's toys and trying to get her to laugh. Wasn't hard to do.

Janelle loves reading books to kids, but not as much as Janie loves listening to them!

Janelle having fun dancing with Janie.

Janie & Kylie having fun moving to music.

Until next time......Love to all!

Friday, February 5, 2010

February Fun with grandkids

Not much needs to be said here.... just enjoying three of my beautiful grandkids! Chris & Kylie are off track and we're having fun with Janie together. Chris has been working on his reading merit badge - reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen together and Kylie's been learning her Articles of Faith. So much FUN being a grandma!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Few more memories

We had a great Christmas and obviously I'm still enjoying the memories. I loved this of Grandma Thomas wanting to get in a picture with Santa. We kept encouraging her to sit on his lap but she insisted she didn't want to hurt him. I took a bunch of pictures and some have already been posted, but wanted to add these two of Grandma and Kylie. Thanks Santa!

Kylie here had just sung at Macey's grocery store. Laura, Janelle & babies got the chance to go hear her sing. She was great! Love those big brown eyes!

The next set of fun photos were taken clear back on Thanksgiving Day.... after the big meal. We divided into teams to make gingerbread creations. The guys made a train and the girls a house.

Gotta love the tongue BJ needed to put his candies on!

Now these next two pictures may be deceiving....This is NOT the final product of what they made, but the creations of Aunt Patty. She made a glorious creation out of cookies and graham crackers for the Festival of Trees! I was lucky enough to be there to purchase it! So beautiful! This can be our model for future projects.

Kylie and Savannah finally enjoying eating all their creations after a fun grandkid treasure hunt. Yummy!

I love all those fun family memories!